
Ideal Gardasil lawsuits settlement Human papillomavirus vaccinations are shots that guard against contracting specific strains of the virus. Ages 11 to 12 are the suggested windows for HPV immunization. Starting around age 9, HPV vaccinations are available. The HPV vaccine is required for all preteens in order to protect them from infections with HPV. In order to prevent cervical cancer, Merck & Co. created the Gardasil vaccination , which was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2006. The FDA approved Gardasil in under six months. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also given their approval to the Gardasil vaccine. For teenagers and young adults, Gardasil can result in severe, long-lasting side effects. Dizziness, pain, and swelling are a few of the typical symptoms. Furthermore, new research has begun to suggest that the vaccine may not be helpful in preventing cervical cancer in women, and that cervical cancer in